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Perfect Dark ZeroWhen we realized that about 90% of the time we try to connect to a multiplayer session over Xbox Live in Perfect Dark Zero, we did some checking. As it turns out, this is not an issue isolated to our network, as plenty of people are experiencing a similar phenomenon. The error message displayed is as follows:

“You have lost connection to the match.”

Ouch. Anyone else having this problem?


Xbox 360 Disc Error

Strangely enough, when I first inserted our Call of Duty 2 disc into the Xbox 360, we got an error stating that the DVD would only be playable on the Xbox 360. Basically, either the disc didn’t realize that it was in an Xbox 360 - or the Xbox 360 didn’t realize that it was, in fact, an Xbox 360. Huh. A quick reboot fixed it, but this is curious nonetheless.

This may sound like a minute detail, but it is just so elegant. The Xbox 360 can be powered on with either the bonus media remote (included in the first 1 million premium packages) or any controller. With the controller, you simple hold down the Xbox 360 logo button in the center, and both the controller and system turn on. The Xbox 360 Ring of Light begins rotating around the power symbol until it syncs with the controller(s), at which point the sections of the ring stay lit depending on the number of controllers connected. It’s so cool that it makes us smile.

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Xbox Live Market Place

A lot of portable audio players can be connected to the Xbox 360, but the iPod is undoubtedly the most popular and also the one that requires a few extra steps in order to get it working on the 360. Unfortunately, if you don’t visit the Xbox support pages, you won’t know why some songs don’t play or have a big red circle with a strike through it. Turns out an additional codec is required in order for the 360 to play AAC files from the iPod. Luckily the Xbox Support pages can help us out here. You will need a memory unit if you don’t have a hard drive.

  1. Go to the Xbox Live area of the Xbox Dashboard and select Xbox Live Marketplace, Game Downloads.
  2. Select All Games, Alphabetical List of Games.
  3. Select Optional iPod Support twice (once from Xbox Live Marketplace and again from the Xbox Guide screen), then Confirm Download.
  4. Once your download is complete, select Done and press BACK or B three times to return to the Xbox Dashboard.

Now why Microsoft didn’t just include this codec with every Memory unit sold or every Hard Drive available is beyond us, but now we can enjoy our full music collection on the new Xbox with no problems.

Read More | Xbox Support

Xbox Power Brick Suspended By Box

Most people have heard or read about the freezing issue some people have experienced with their new toy, freezing after a minimal uptime. Everything has pointed to a faulty power supply, and while Microsoft has not issued a statement as of yet, Goldeneyemaster from Gamespot forums took things into his own hands to come up with a solution to the problem: suspend the power “brick” in the air to allow it to dissipate heat through all of its sides. Now you can go about this various ways, you could actually suspend it in the air by means of strings or just get a box with an open top and place it on top. Whatever way you go about it be sure to tell us if this worked for you and what you did. Lets see how creative we can all get with this.

Read More | Gamespot Forums

Geometry Wars

As confusing as the headline is, that is exactly what we did outside of the Bellevue Best Buy. My boy Jason hooked up a projector and Xbox to a spare car battery, and we had an instant time killer on the outer wall of the store. The sleeper hit of the evening was Geometry Wars, followed by Halo 2 and Fusion Frenzy (Sumo and “Jump Duck” reigned.) We witnessed several near-collisions by those driving through the parking lot who had to grab a peek at the gigantic gaming set up. We have a couple more images after the jump.

Click to continue reading Playing Geometry Wars and Halo 2 On A Best Buy Building

Our Xbox 360

Okay, so the plan was that I would camp out and brave what felt like sub-zero temperatures to secure our spot in line at Best Buy. Lucky thing, too, as I got there 26 hours before launch and there were already 60 people in front of me. Had I waited until the next morning, we might have been screwed - or Cored. So Rob shows up the next morning to hold our spot in line, and I head off to take my baby boy to a doctor appointment. Well, while I was there, Best Buy gave out tickets to those standing in line. If you weren’t there, you weren’t getting a ticket. By the time I got back to the store a few hours later, the tickets were long gone - and I was apparently without an Xbox 360 after freezing to death. So what does Rob do?

This man hands me his ticket, citing the fact that he likely wouldn’t have much time to play it anyway due to school and work. C’mon now Rob, you know you would have made time. You are just a super guy. Others in line were selling their tickets for $150, and that number grew larger as the hours drew near to launch. This Thanksgiving, raise y our glasses to Rob Stevens. He is, the man.

Read More | Super Rob’s Fortress of Solitude

Click to continue reading Rob Stevens Is The Man

Bill Gates Xbox 360

When the almighty Billy G arrived to greet the hundreds (and hundreds) of camped out fans, the media went crazy and almost trampled the poor guy. Still, he was able to shake hands with and talk to the first man in line, Dan Friedman, a 26-year-old gamer from Bellevue who happens to be a Microsoft programmer. He had been in line since Friday at 5 p.m. Gates hooked Dan up with $1,000 to spend on the console and accessories. He also spent time with the first 30 people in line, on the inside of the store where it was warm.

Xbox 360 Campout

So, being the crazy cats that we are, we decided to forgo the Zero Hour launch event. I know, crazy talk, right? The thing is, Bill Gates decided to make an appearance at the Best Buy located near Gear Live Media headquarters, and we thought it would be cool to camp out with all the other fanatics. Of course, later on when we nearly died of hypothermia, we questioned our sanity. Luckily, some people built fires in the Best Buy parking lot, and others had retro game consoles and televisions hooked up to car batteries as a way to pass the time. These guys were hardcore. Check out more pictures of the Bellevue, WA Xbox 360 Campout and launch after the jump.

Click to continue reading Camping Out For The Xbox 360

Playfeed HDTV

Okay, so the Xbox 360 is set to launch in less than 24 hours. We are getting ready to head out and wait in line at the Best Buy in Bellevue, WA - yeah, the one where Bill Gates will be on hand to kick off the launch. This will be the first time that I haven’t pre-ordered a console, opting instead to try my luck on launch day. The result is me having to brave the cold for a good 24 hours.

For those wondering, we have a full-featured testing lab for Xbox 360 launch. The high definition display in our lab is a Samsung 46” HLP-4663 DLP unit. As for sound, we went overkill with a 7.1 surround sound JBL system, powered by a Yamaha 7.1 HTR-5890 receiver. We are certainly ready to roll, and would have been bringing impressions to you by now had Microsoft gotten our Xbox 360 review unit and debug kit to us in time. Alas, no dice there.

The next generation in gaming begins very, very soon.
